About Us

About Orbit9x:-

Since 2001, Orbit Digital Media is a division of the Orbit Media Group, America’s largest
Privately owned publication and online production company.
We have our studio for animation, 3-D Games, Mobile application and web development,
Complete online business including PPC, SEO, MEO and lead generation. We have been
Working for long time in global market. And we are a wide-reaching media group offering
Over more than 12 dozen magazines in 15 countries, Print as well as Online.
Orbit9x is launching its most Entertaining, Exhilarating, Euphoric e-Magazines with full of
Opportunities of Work at Home-Huge Income Source.
We have full of racks with colourful varieties of interests, including Page3x, Playboyz,
Silver-Screen, Googly, Childhood Times, Goodfood Today, Watchworld, O2gen, We the people,
Quantum-Tech and Politic with Politics.
INCREASING SHARE OF GLOBAL INTERNET AD SPENDING.                                                                            


  1. Hi,
    How many days will you guys keep your customer care number out of order?
    When are you going to make our payments? Its been 4 months since I joined, and I have never got a single payment. I have updated my KYC forms in the first month itself.

  2. it is a fraud company because i have also deposited Rs 24100/- under premium package in the month of January 2015 and have been told that I will get money every week Rs.1854 upto 52 weeks after 60 days i.e. 1 April 2015. When I visited orbit vender/agent and told that i have not received money on April 2015 in my bank account i have been told that amount would be credited in my bank account number from 15 April 2015 but I have not received any amount till date. Now I have been cheated by the company alongwith vender/agent of ORBIT9X. Lucknow UTTER PRADESH


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